Best App Lock In 2018 Safe Your Data

Use This App Lock and save Your Mobile 

Whoever goes our hands, everybody asks, "What is it?" "What is it?" "Girl friend of someone else." Now there is no need to scare anyone. Now save your mobile, no one will save you.

Use app Lock Details and save Your app

Today, how do we keep our app safe when we give our mobile to anyone, then how can you stop by opening it without showing it to your private data, we will talk on this topic today, yes, friends download

App Lock
First step:- App and its After installing it again, enter your password 2 times is fine, then the

App Lock
next step:- is that if you do the pattern then you should put it on your favorite pattern.
App Lock
Now you have entered in this app then come in Whichever app you want to keep safe, click on the lock and your app will not be able to open anything except you.
App Lock


Gohil Anil

मेरे लिखने से आपके पढ़ने तक, सब तकनीक है। इनका मानना है कि तकनीक नई हो या पुरानी हर रोज़ कुछ न कुछ नया ​दिखाती है, सिखाती है। टेक्नोलॉजी के प्रति इसी सोच ने अनिल को तकनीक जगत में आने के लिए प्रेरित किया।और आपको सिखाने में लगा दिया

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